One man. One car. One destination. Locke tells the story of a man named Ivan Locke (Played by Tom Hardy) who leaves everything behind to follow a path of redemption. The entire film takes place in one car ride, with the plot progressing through a series of phone calls. I heard that they took 4-5 takes of the entire runtime of the film, and spliced together the highlights from each take. Tom Hardy is absolutely amazing in this, His performance is really quite captivating and very impressive overall. As you can probably guess, given my score and the premise, the script is really great. I really feel invested in the character and in the conversations, to where the film doesn't drag or get boring. Another standout is the cinematography, which is quite incredible to say the least given that the entire movie is single-location. It's able to visually hold interest by remaining fairly fast paced with its' imagery and creative with its' camera placement/movements. Overall, I recommend this film. It's fun to see movies that are willing to take chances, even though it might very well fail.
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